Legislative Session Reaches Halfway Point

The 2022 Regular Session reached its halfway point last week. Lawmakers continued their work on both the General Fund and Education Trust Fund budgets as well as a number of other issues. Read below for details!

ARPA Tax Relief

Gov. Kay Ivey signed legislation last week that changes the state tax code to ensure Alabama taxpayers do not pay higher state income taxes due to certain credits received under the American Rescue Plan Act (“ARPA”).  The new law would align the state code with the ARPA federal child, earned income, and child and dependent care tax credits to reduce the amount due on state returns.


Both the General Fund and Education Trust Fund are expected to use recent surpluses to pay significant outstanding obligations and to fund reserve savings accounts.  According to the Legislative Services Agency, repayment efforts include:

  • Most of the $450 million borrowed to stabilize the General Fund in FY13-15
  • $30 million to the Corrections Institution Finance Authority to pay debt service on bonds for new prisons approved last year, if needed.  If not needed for prison bonds, it would go toward eliminating trust fund debt
  • $24.7 million to the General Fund reserve account created in 2020, which would put the account at its $100 million cap
  • $111.1 million to fully fund the Education Trust Fund’s rolling reserve account created in 2011 to stop mid-year budget cuts
  • $177.3 million to pay off the remaining owed on the Prepaid Affordable College Tuition program.  Otherwise, annual payments would be needed until FY27
  • $200 million to pay off bond debt as it becomes due

The Senate overwhelmingly approved a $2.7 billion General Fund budget Thursday that includes a 4% pay raise for state employees and a $17 million increase for the Department of Mental Health.  That budget now moves to the House for consideration.

Concealed Carry

The House passed a bill Tuesday that would eliminate the requirement that gun owners obtain a permit to carry a concealed handgun.  While permits would still be available for carrying in other states, HB 272 would allow for concealed carry of handguns on the body, in a purse, or in a vehicle without a permit.  The bill was modified to clarify that private property owners would retain their right to restrict firearms on private property. The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Transgender Medical Treatment

The Senate passed a bill Wednesday that would prohibit “the performance of a medical procedure or the prescription or issuance of medication, upon or to a minor child, that is intended to alter the appearance of the minor child’s gender or delay puberty, with certain exceptions” and establish felony criminal penalties for so doing.  SB 5 would also provide for the disclosure of certain information concerning students to parents by schools.  The bill now moves to the House for consideration.

School Bathrooms

The House passed a bill Tuesday night after two hours of debate that would “require public K-12 schools to designate the use of rooms where students may be in various stages of undress upon the basis of biological sex.”  HB 322, which passed the House by a 74-24 vote, would “require every multiple occupancy restroom or changing area designated for student use to be used by individuals based on their biological sex” and would include but not be limited to school restrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, or shower rooms.  The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Literacy Act

Both chambers approved legislation last week related to the Alabama Literacy Act.  The Senate passed SB 200 on Tuesday, which would delay the third-grade holdback requirement of the 2019 law until 2024.  On Wednesday, the House unanimously passed HB 220, as amended, that would clarify that:

  • Special needs students who have an individual education plan and don’t take the state’s standardized test are exempt from the retention
  • English language learners have three years after enrollment before the retention applies to them
  • No child will be retained in third grade more than once

HB 220 originally included a one-year delay to the holdback requirement, but the delay language was dropped altogether in favor of the two-year delay language in SB 200.  Both bills now move to the second chamber for consideration.


The House passed a bill Wednesday that would require children to successfully complete kindergarten or take a test to demonstrate entry readiness before being admitted to first grade.  HB 331 now moves to the Senate for consideration.

Retiree Bonuses

The Senate passed legislation Tuesday that would provide a one-time bonus to retired teachers and employees based on years of service.  Bonuses under SB 30 and SB 111 would be set at $2 per month for each year worked, and neither bill includes minimum or maximum amounts.  Municipalities are not required to provide similar bonuses; in the event they do, however, the localities would have to pay the full cost.  Both bills now move to the House for consideration.


The House passed an anti-rioting bill Tuesday that would define a “riot” as “the assemblage of five or more persons engaging in conduct which creates an immediate danger of and/or results in damage to property or injury to persons.”  HB 2, the Anti-Aggravated Riot Act, would also prescribe a “minimum term of imprisonment of 30 days without consideration of probation, parole, good time credits, or any other reduction in time” if convicted of rioting or inciting to riot, and anyone arrested for rioting could be held for up to 24 hours without bail.  The bill now moves to the Senate for consideration.


Other bills being tracked by ABA’s legislative team include:

SB 0257 | Will Barfoot

Banking and financial institutions, small loans, authorizing limited closing fees, Sec. 5-18-15 am’d.

Feb 23, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the Senate committee on Banking and Insurance

House Committee:

Senate Committee:  Banking and Insurance

HB 0391 | Steve Clouse

Business privilege tax, to provide reduced minimum business privilege tax for taxable years beginning after December 31, 2022, and to provide a full exemption on amounts due of $100 or less for taxable years begining after December 31, 2023, Section 40-14A-22 am’d.

Feb 22, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Ways and Means General Fund

House Committee:  Ways and Means General Fund

Senate Committee:

HB 0335 | Chris Blackshear

Banking and financial institutions, small loans, authorizing limited closing fees, Sec. 5-18-15 am’d.

Feb 16, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 12 Favorable from Financial Services

House Committee:  Financial Services

Senate Committee:

SB 0211 | Chris Elliott

Vessels, certificate of title, uniform act, requirements, issuance by State Law Enforcement Agency, security agreement, perfection

Feb 23, 2022 – State Government third Amendment Offered

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0289 | Steve Clouse

Supplemental Appropriations, from the American Rescue Plan Act – State Small Business Credit Initiative Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022.

Feb 08, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Ways and Means General Fund

House Committee:  Ways and Means General Fund

Senate Committee:

SB 0191 | Greg Albritton

Supplemental Appropriations, from the American Rescue Plan Act – State Small Business Credit Initiative Fund for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022.

Feb 24, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Ways and Means General Fund

House Committee:  Ways and Means General Fund

Senate Committee:

HB 0259 | Prince Chestnut

Education, personal finance literacy, personal rights, and good citizenship in grades 6-12, Sec. 16-40-12 added.

Feb 03, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Education Policy

House Committee:  Education Policy

Senate Committee:

HB 0238 | David Faulkner

Courts, Garnishment proceedings, service of garnishment notice further provided, Sec. 6-6-394.1 added.

Feb 23, 2022 – Judiciary first Amendment Offered

House Committee:  Judiciary

Senate Committee:

HB 0181 | Roderick Scott

Relating to the Department of Revenue; to all writs of garnishment to be issued by mail; to amend 40-2-11, as amended by Act 2021-148, 2021 Regular Session

Feb 16, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 12 Favorable from State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

SB 0162 | Linda Coleman-Madison

Relating to the Department of Revenue; to all writs of garnishment to be issued by mail; to amend 40-2-11, as amended by Act 2021-148, 2021 Regular Session

Feb 16, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 12 Favorable from State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0127 | Andrew Sorrell

Virtual currency, exemption from ad valorem taxation provided, Sec. 40-9-1 am’d.

Jan 13, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Ways and Means General Fund

House Committee:  Ways and Means General Fund

Senate Committee:

SB 0084 | Donnie Chesteen

Education, Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program board, may meet electronically, Sec. 16-33C-4.1 am’d.

Feb 02, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

SB 0081 | Donnie Chesteen

Alabama Trust Fund, virtual meetings, provided for, operation of board provided for, Sec. 36-17-21 added.

Feb 15, 2022 – Rereferred from BA&C to SG

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0085 | Danny Garrett

Public deposits, Security for Alabama Funds Enhancement (SAFE) Program board, to allow for virutal meetings, Sec. 41-14A-6 am’d.

Feb 09, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 9 Favorable from State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0084 | Danny Garrett

Alabama Trust Fund, virtual meetings, provided for, operation of board provided for, Sec. 36-17-21 added.

Feb 09, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 9 Favorable from State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0083 | Danny Garrett

Education, Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program board, may meet electronically, Sec. 16-33C-4.1 am’d.

Feb 09, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 9 Favorable from State Government

House Committee:  State Government

Senate Committee:

HB 0066 | Shane Stringer

Firearms, offenses against public order, concealed pistols, concealed carry permit, constitutional carry, pistol permits, Secs. 9-11-304, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74 repealed; Secs. 13A-11-7, 13A-11-50, 13A-11-55, 13A-11-61.2, 13A-11-62, 13A-11-71, 13A-11-85, 13A-11-90 am’d.

Jan 11, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

House Committee:  Public Safety and Homeland Security

Senate Committee:

HB 0044 | Andrew Sorrell

Firearms, concealed pistols, concealed carry permit, criminal code, offenses against public order, constitutional carry, pistol permits, Secs. 9-11-304, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74 repealed; Secs. 13A-11-7, 13A-11-50, 13A-11-55, 13A-11-61.2, 13A-11-62, 13A-11-71, 13A-11-85, 13A-11-90 am’d.

Jan 11, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

House Committee:  Public Safety and Homeland Security

Senate Committee:

HB 0007 | James Hanes

Firearms, Second Amendment Preservation Act, right to keep and bear arms, provided

Jan 11, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

House Committee:  Public Safety and Homeland Security

Senate Committee:

HB 0006 | Shane Stringer

Firearms, permitless carry, process for seized pistols amended, Secs. 13A-11-50, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-74 repealed; Secs. 13A-11-71, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-84 am’d.

Jan 11, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the House of Representatives committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security

House Committee:  Public Safety and Homeland Security

Senate Committee:

SB 0067 | Clyde Chambliss

Federal Aid Highway Finance Authority, date for payment of principal and interest, further provided, Sec. 23-1-314 am’d.

Feb 23, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 15 Favorable from Ways and Means General Fund

House Committee:  Ways and Means General Fund

Senate Committee:

SB 0057 | Arthur Orr

Taxation, tax credit, authorized for the cost of acquisition and construction of a qualified storm shelter

Jan 11, 2022 – Read for the first time and referred to the Senate committee on Finance and Taxation Education

House Committee:

Senate Committee:  Finance and Taxation Education

SB 0001 | Gerald Allen

Firearms, possession and carrying of, certain requirements for, repealed or deleted, Secs. 9-11-304, 13A-11-50, 13A-11-51, 13A-11-52, 13A-11-59, 13A-11-71, 13A-11-73, 13A-11-74, repealed; Sec. 13A-11-61.2 am’d.

Feb 02, 2022 – Pending third reading on day 6 Favorable from Judiciary

House Committee:

Senate Committee:  Judiciary